Account number for payments in PLN
- IBAN: 40 1140 1081 0000 3118 5900 1001
- Payment title: Name and surname, Fee for course and exam (...) date/city
Account number for payments in EUR
IBAN: PL 13 1140 1081 0000 3118 5900 1002
Payment title: Fee for course and exam (...) date/city
(it is recommended to execute transfers in EUR in the SEPA form, i.e. European wire transfer, the cost of which is approx. EUR 2)
Price in Poland
Price in the Netherlands
VCA Basic
- Training + exam (an examination institute accredited by SSVV)
- Training materials (after making the advanced payment)
- VCA digital diploma (Dutch document) + plastic card
- Entry to the database
Price in Poland
1690 PLN 1373,98 PLN netPrice in the Netherlands
250 EURPrice net in Poland: 1373,98 PLN
- Online training
- Training (8h) + exam (examination institute accredited by SSVV)
- Training materials (after making the advanced payment)
- VCA digital diploma (Dutch document) + plastic card
- Entry to the database
Price in Poland
1890 PLN 1537 PLN nettoPrice in the Netherlands
280 EURPrice net in Poland: 1537 PLN
VCA Personal Safety Logbook
- Additional Dutch document for training courses and permits (accredited by SSVV)
Price in Poland
100 PLNPrice in the Netherlands
25 EURSCC 018
- Two-day training (24h) + exam (examination institute accredited by VAZ/DAkkS)
- Training materials (during the training)
- Digital SCC diploma (German Document - SCC Dok. 18)
Price in Poland
1250 PLN 1016 PLN netPrice in the Netherlands
260 EURPrice net in Poland: 1016 PLN
SCC 017
- Two-day training (24h) + exam (examination institute accredited by VAZ/DAkkS)
- Training materials (during the training)
- Digital SCC diploma (German Document - SCC Dok. 18)
Price in Poland
1450 PLN 1179 PLN nettoPrice in the Netherlands
300 EURPrice net in Poland: 1179 PLN
SCC Personal Safety Logbook
- Additional German documents for training courses and permits
Price in Poland
100 PLNPrice in the Netherlands
25 EURHot work
- Training (8h) + exam
- Training materials (during the training)
- Plastic card
Price in Poland
1890 PLN 1537 PLN netPrice in the EU*
390 EUR* *Price in the EUPrice net in Poland: 1373,98 PLN
- Training (8h) + exam
- Training materials (during the training)
- Plastic card
Price in Poland
1690 PLN 1373,98 PLN netPrice in the EU*
290 EUR* *Price in the EUPrice net in Poland: 1373,98 PLN
SSG Entre Basic
- Online course + exam (3h)
- The SSG occupational safety card is required in the industrial sector in Sweden
Price in Poland
Link SSGPrice net in Poland: - PLN
SFS 6002
- Training (8h) + exam
- Training materials (during the training)
- Plastic card
Price in Poland
1900 PLN 1545 PLN netPrice in the EU*
360 EUR* *Price in the EUPrice net in Poland: 1545 PLN
Carciogenic Risk of Welding / Rakotwórcze ryzyko spawania
- Online course + exam (8h)
- Occupational safety certificate required for welding works in Denmark
Price in Poland
1050 PLN 853,66 PLN netPrice in the EU*
360 EUR* *Price in the EUPrice net in Poland: 853,66 PLN
Steigerbouwer A Monteur Steigerbouw
- Three- or four-day training + exam
- Training materials (after making the advanced payment)
- DNV certificate + plastic card
Price in Poland
-Price in the Netherlands
1250 EURHeftruck / Reachtruck
- Training (8h) + exam
- Training materials (after making the advanced payment)
- Certificate + plastic card
Price in Poland
-Price in the Netherlands
285 EURHeta Arbeten
- Training + Heta Arbeten exam
- Heta Arbeten certificate
Price in Poland
1890 PLN 1537 PLN nettoPrice in EU*
390 EUR* *Price in the EUCSCS
- Health & Safety Test in the UK
- CSCS card
Price in Poland
-Price in the UK*
125 GBP* *Price in the UK