VCA training courses

What does VCA mean?

  • VCA is the name of the occupational safety management system used by companies in the Netherlands and Belgium (often also in Germany, Austria, Switzerland and the Scandinavia).
  • The VCA abbreviation means Veiligheid Gezondheid Milieu Checklijst Aannemers (Safety, Health, Environment and Subcontractor's Checklist).
  • The subcontractor's checklist is an extended list of questions, the main purpose of which is to ensure the safety of all employees in the workplace.
  • One of the primary requirements of the VCA system is the possession by employees and subcontractors of the VCA certificate.
  • VCA is a versatile program and aside occupational safety, it helps companies manage health and environmental protection, and employees - to execute work in a safe manner.
  • Companies that incorporate the VCA system substantially improve the occupational safety of their employees and limit the number of accidents.

VCA diploma

  • The VCA diploma is issued by an SSVV accredited examination center as a digital diploma with the VCA logo and is valid for 10 years. The VCA diploma is issued along with the VCA card.
  • The VCA diploma is required in the Netherlands by various clients to be able to work in a high-risk environment or to perform high-risk work.
  • The Personal Safety Logbook is an additional document which includes up-to-date training courses and permits, including the VCA (Veiligheidspaspoort) - issued by the SSVV.
  • The VCA certificate is required in companies based in the Netherlands, Belgium and other EU states, which execute high-risk works in the following disciplines: petrochemical, construction, heavy industry and many others.
  • An increasing number of companies and employers requires the VCA diploma.

The VCA diploma is valid for 10 years!

The VCA document is valid for the period of 10 years. The online database with the VCA diplomas numbers is available at administered by the Stichting Samenwerken voor Veiligheid (SSVV) based in the Netherlands.

Training courses and exams


  • The VCA Basic certificate is intended for line employees.
  • The training lasts for 8 hours, while the exam lasts for 60 minutes and consists of 40 questions.
  • The VCA Basic exam is available in Polish, English, Russian, Ukrainian, German, Dutch, Slovakian, Romanian, Hungarian, Italian, Portuguese, French and other EU languages.

Prices of the training course and exam:


  • The VCA VOL certificate is dedicated for directors, managers and persons conducting their own business activity.
  • The training consists of 2 parts: online training the chosen language and stationary training
  • The VCA VOL exam is only available in English, Dutch, French or German.

Prices of the training course and exam:


  • Labour law
  • General requirements concerning the workplace
  • Working in enclosed rooms
  • Lifting and transport machines
  • Working at heights
  • Working on live devices
  • Manual tools and machines
  • Hazardous substances
  • Designations
  • Explosion and fire hazards
  • Personal protection equipment


One-day stationary training (8.00-15.30), including notions concerning the safety, health and environment management system (acc. to the VCA 2017/6.0 standard). The training is conducted in Polish (other languages available on demand: English, Russian, Ukrainian, Dutch, German, Romanian).


Getting the employees/subcontractors acquianted with the regulations concerning working on high-risk stations and improving their awareness of occupational safety.


Information lecture, chat, clarifications, problem-related lecture, video, pictures, discussion, working with text (answering test questions).


  • The VCA Basic exam lasts 60 minutes and consists of 40 questions. The candidate will pass the BASIC-VCA with minimum of 2580/4000 points.
  • The VCA VOL exam lasts for 75 minutes and consists of 70 questions. The candidate will pass the VOL-VCA with minimum of 4515/7000 points. The VCA VOL exam is only available in English, Dutch, French and German.

Form of exam

  • The VCA exams take place on the computer and are taken by exam centers recognized by the SSVV.

Conditions for taking the exam

  • Valid identification document (ID or passport)

Forms of diploma confirmation

  • digital diploma
  • personal safety logbook (optionally, for an extra fee)
  • plastic card

Mock exam VCA

The VCA online trial test provided by VCA Polska® is free of charge and allows you to familiarise yourself with sample questions and correct answers in Polish, English, Dutch and German.

Next VCA training courses


Rotterdam, Netherlands


250 EUR


Płock, Poland


1690 PLN


Den Haag, Netherlands


250 EUR