Basic information
- One-day stationary training (8.00-15.30) concluded with an exam (15.30-19.30).
- The training embraces notions on the safety, health and environment management system (according to the VCA 2017/6.0 standard).
- The VCA diploma is issued by an SSVV accredited examination center as a digital diploma with the VCA logo and is valid for 10 years. The VCA diploma is issued along with the VCA card.
- The VCA diploma allows taking up jobs in companies conducting high-risk work in the following disciplines: petrochemical, construction, heavy industry, and many other in the Netherlands, Belgium and other EU states.

- The training course is conducted in Polish
- Other languages available on demand: English, Russian, Ukrainian, Dutch, German, Romanian
- Training: 7,5 hours (8.00-15.30)
- Exam: VCA Basic 60 min, VCA-VOL 75 minr (17.30-19.30)
The exact address will be sent via e-mail after registering for the training.
- Labour law
- General requirements concerning the workplace
- Working in enclosed rooms
- Lifting and transport machines
- Working at heights
- Working on live devices
- Manual tools and machines
- Hazardous substances
- Designations
- Explosion and fire hazards
- Personal protection equipment
Basic information
The VCA exams are taken on computers and are conducted by independent examiners accredited by the SSVV body.
Conditions of participation
- Valid identification document (ID or passport)
VCA Basic
- duration: 60 minutes
- 40 questions
- minimum 2580/4000 points required
- duration: 75 minutes
- 70 questions
- minimum 4515/7000 points required

Prices of the training course and exam:
- In Poland: price list
- In the Netherlands: price list
- In Poland: price list
- In the Netherlands: price list